In the town of Tootlesworth, known for its tunes, was a boy named Timmy who loved his balloons. Timmy had a dream to play, a Tuba in the band, one day.
Timmy practiced every night, his Tuba gleamed in golden light. 'Oompah, Oompah!' it would say, as Timmy tried to find his way.
'Your Tuba's neat!' a squirrel did cheer, 'But it’s quite loud, from over here!' Timmy giggled, 'I'll play my best, come listen to my Tuba test!'
Timmy took the test with care, his cheeks as red as a juicy pear. 'Toot and Hoot!' went the sound, bringing animals from all around.
The mice came marching two by two, ducks waddled in a row so true. 'Toodle Toot!' sang Timmy loud, all the animals gathered 'round.
A giggling group of gophers came, whispering softly Timmy's name. 'We'll join your tune, though underground, and help you pass with perfect sound!'
Timmy took a tuba break, and turned his gaze across the lake. A hippo huffing through the reeds, itching to join in Timmy’s deeds!
'I'll try!' Timmy said with glee, 'Hippo, join the band with me!' Hippo honked and skidded wide, creating ripples side by side.
Together they made music bright, feeling ready for that night. Timmy's test was almost near, the night filled with festive cheer.
On test day, Timmy took a stance, ready for his music dance. With a breath and bellowing tune, his notes shone bright as the moon.
The audience clapped, the forest stirred, Timmy's music now was heard. 'Hooray!' they shouted, 'What a sight, Timmy and friends did it right!'
So remember dear reader, a tune can inspire, even from a tuba, new friends can conspire. If you test your courage and sound your best, you will surely ace the musical quest!
Reflection Questions