In sunny Green Meadow, Timmy Turtle and Rascal Rabbit were best friends.
One day, Rascal boasted, 'I can run faster than anyone here!'
Timmy, with a smile, replied, 'Would you like to have a race then?'
Rascal laughed. 'A race? With you? That's sure to be a quick win!'
The next day, animals gathered to watch the big race.
With the words 'Ready, Set, Go!' Rascal zoomed ahead, leaving Timmy behind.
Timmy plodded along, steady and slow, focusing on one step at a time.
Rascal, far ahead, decided to rest. 'I have plenty of time!' he thought.
Timmy continued on, undistracted by Rascal resting under a tree.
As Timmy plodded past, Rascal snoozed, dreaming of his victory.
Timmy, nearing the finish, heard cheers from the crowd growing louder.
Rascal woke up to the sound of cheering and realized Timmy was ahead!
With a burst of speed, Rascal raced towards the finish, but it was too late.
Timmy crossed the finish line. 'Slow and steady wins the race!' he smiled.
Reflection Questions