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Timmy's Turtle Triumph

In sunny Green Meadow, Timmy Turtle and Rascal Rabbit were best friends.

Green Meadow setting, introducing Green turtle with brown eyes, wears a tiny red hat and Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift.

One day, Rascal boasted, 'I can run faster than anyone here!'

Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift bragging about his speed.

Timmy, with a smile, replied, 'Would you like to have a race then?'

Green Meadow setting, introducing Green turtle with brown eyes, wears a tiny red hat and Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift. Don't make him fly.

Rascal laughed. 'A race? With you? That's sure to be a quick win!'

Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift laughs at the challenge, confident in victory.

The next day, animals gathered to watch the big race.

Animals from the meadow gathering for the race.

With the words 'Ready, Set, Go!' Rascal zoomed ahead, leaving Timmy behind.

Start of the race; Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift takes a big lead.

Timmy plodded along, steady and slow, focusing on one step at a time.

Green turtle with brown eyes, wears a tiny red hat is steady and focused, not giving up.

Rascal, far ahead, decided to rest. 'I have plenty of time!' he thought.

Confident Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift takes a rest, sure of his lead.

Timmy continued on, undistracted by Rascal resting under a tree.

Green Meadow setting, introducing Green turtle with brown eyes, wears a tiny red hat and Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift.. Show Rascal resting in the background.

As Timmy plodded past, Rascal snoozed, dreaming of his victory.

Green Meadow setting, introducing Green turtle with brown eyes, wears a tiny red hat and Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift. Show Rascal snoozing.

Timmy, nearing the finish, heard cheers from the crowd growing louder.

Green turtle with brown eyes, wears a tiny red hat nears finish line to the crowd's cheers.

Rascal woke up to the sound of cheering and realized Timmy was ahead!

Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift wakes up, surprised to see Green turtle with brown eyes, wears a tiny red hat leading.

With a burst of speed, Rascal raced towards the finish, but it was too late.

Brown rabbit with large ears and blue eyes, very swift tries to catch up, but Green turtle with brown eyes, wears a tiny red hat is too close to the end.

Timmy crossed the finish line. 'Slow and steady wins the race!' he smiled.

Green turtle with brown eyes, wears a tiny red hat crosses the finish line first, proving the moral.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Timmy felt when Rascal laughed at him?
  • What can we learn from Rascal's mistake of underestimating Timmy?
  • Why is it important to stay focused on your goal, like Timmy?

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