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Toilet Bowl Soup

Once upon a time, in a small, sunny bathroom, Abby and her brother Ben discovered a game.

Introduction, siblings A young girl with brown hair and blue eyes, full of imagination and An energetic young boy, brown eyes, Abby’s playful brother, bathroom setting

They called it 'Toilet Bowl Soup.' 'I'll be the chef!' Abby declared, looking at the shiny toilet.

Game introduction, A young girl with brown hair and blue eyes, full of imagination takes the role of chef

'And I'll get the ingredients!' Ben said, running to collect toys, paper, and a spoon.

An energetic young boy, brown eyes, Abby’s playful brother as assistant, gathering items for their game

They giggled and took turns adding things to the 'pot.' 'A spoonful of rubber ducky,' Ben chanted.

Gameplay, taking turns, adding a rubber ducky

'A sprinkle of toilet paper,' Abby added, tearing small bits and dropping them in.

Adding toilet paper, contributions from both characters

The soup grew stranger with each item. A car, a block, and a dollop of shampoo joined the mix.

Soup escalates, more varied items being added

Suddenly, Dad's footsteps approached. 'What's that sound?' he asked, peering into the bathroom.

A caring father with short dark hair and green eyes, gentle demeanor arrives, questioning the noise, suspense

Seeing the mess, Dad looked concerned. 'Why are you putting things in the toilet?' he frowned.

A caring father with short dark hair and green eyes, gentle demeanor sees the 'soup,' expresses worry

'We're making soup!' Abby exclaimed. 'But toilets are not for toys,' Dad gently explained.

A young girl with brown hair and blue eyes, full of imagination's explanation, A caring father with short dark hair and green eyes, gentle demeanor's gentle correction

Understanding dawned on the kids' faces. 'Oops!' Ben muttered. 'We didn't think of that.'

Realization, kids understand their mistake

They helped Dad fish out each soggy toy, saying sorry to each as if it could hear.

Cleanup, kids apologize to their toys

With the 'soup' gone, Dad talked about keeping toys safe. 'The toilet is not for soups,' he smiled.

Lesson learned, A caring father with short dark hair and green eyes, gentle demeanor concludes the toilet isn’t for toys

Abby and Ben nodded, promising to play pretend only where it's meant to be played.

Promise to be careful, resolution of the story

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Abby and Ben felt when they had to clean up the toys?
  • What could Abby and Ben do differently next time to avoid making Dad worried?
  • Why is it important to play games in appropriate places?

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