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Tommy's Puzzle Day

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tommy. Tommy woke up feeling sick.

Introduction, Young boy, short hair, pale skin, blue eyes in bed, feeling unwell

His head was warm and his throat was sore. He didn't want to get out of bed.

Young boy, short hair, pale skin, blue eyes is sick, details of illness

Tommy's mom, Mrs. Harris, came to check on him. She touched his forehead, worried.

Introduction of Young boy, short hair, pale skin, blue eyes's mother, Caring mom, long hair, fair skin, green eyes, showing concern

Mrs. Harris had to go to work but she made sure Tommy had everything he needed.

Caring mom, long hair, fair skin, green eyes preparing to leave for work

She left Tommy with a big puzzle to work on. It had a thousand colorful pieces.

Young boy, short hair, pale skin, blue eyes receives a puzzle, setting activity

The puzzle was a picture of a bright, sunny beach. Tommy wished he could be there.

Depicting puzzle image, Young boy, short hair, pale skin, blue eyes's desire

Tommy started with the edge pieces. He found it difficult to fit them together.

Young boy, short hair, pale skin, blue eyes beginning puzzle, facing difficulty

But he didn't give up. He kept trying, finding more pieces that fit.

Young boy, short hair, pale skin, blue eyes persisting with puzzle

Every time Tommy added a piece, he imagined the warm sand under his toes.

Young boy, short hair, pale skin, blue eyes's imagination linking puzzle and beach

Slowly, the beach scene came together. Tommy felt proud of his work.

Puzzle progress, Young boy, short hair, pale skin, blue eyes's pride

When Mrs. Harris came home, she saw the finished puzzle and hugged Tommy.

Caring mom, long hair, fair skin, green eyes returns, sees completed puzzle

'I knew you could do it,' she said, smiling. 'You are my little problem solver.'

Emotional conclusion, mother's pride

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Tommy felt when he was trying to fit the puzzle pieces together?
  • Why is it important to keep trying even when something seems difficult?
  • How do you think Mrs. Harris felt when she saw that Tommy had finished the puzzle?

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