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Umbrella in the Rain

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, casting long shadows over the schoolyard. Xiao Ming waited by the gate, feeling drops of rain start to speckle his glasses.

Schoolyard, rainy day, Short boy with glasses, black hair, tan skin, brown eyes waiting alone.

As the rain began to fall harder, children around him opened colorful umbrellas. Xiao Ming's backpack felt heavy. His own umbrella was missing.

Schoolyard, rainy day, Short boy with glasses, black hair, tan skin, brown eyes waiting alone.

He shuffled from foot to foot, trying to stay dry under the small roof. 'I hope mom comes soon,' he thought, watching cars splash through puddles.

Short boy with glasses, black hair, tan skin, brown eyes shuffling, hoping for his mother's arrival.

Suddenly, a bright red umbrella bobbed through the crowd. It was his mom, hurrying towards him with a smile, but no umbrella for herself.

Tall woman, kind face, brown hair, light skin, green eyes approaching with a red umbrella, smiling.

She reached Xiao Ming and held the umbrella over him. Her shoulder got wet as she took care to shield him from the rain.

Tall woman, kind face, brown hair, light skin, green eyes sheltering Short boy with glasses, black hair, tan skin, brown eyes, getting wet herself.

Xiao Ming felt a mix of happiness and concern. 'Thank you, Mom,' he said, noticing the droplets on her coat.

Short boy with glasses, black hair, tan skin, brown eyes's mixed emotions of gratitude and worry.

Together, they walked slowly home. Xiao Ming stayed close to his mom, sharing the umbrella as best as he could.

Mother and son sharing the umbrella on their way home.

The rain tapped rhythmically on the umbrella, and Xiao Ming listened, feeling the warmth of his mother's care.

Listening to rain, feeling warmth and care.

At home, they shook off their coats. Xiao Ming's mom made him a cup of hot cocoa, her hair still damp from the rain.

Home, shaking off coats, mother making cocoa.

Sipping the cocoa, they watched the rain through the window. Xiao Ming knew he'd remember this rainy day with his mom forever.

Schoolyard, rainy day, Short boy with glasses, black hair, tan skin, brown eyes waiting alone.

That evening, Xiao Ming and his mom prepared a new plan. They would always keep an extra umbrella at school, just in case.

Planning for future, keeping an extra umbrella.

As night fell, the rain stopped, and Xiao Ming felt thankful for his mother's sacrifice that day, knowing he was loved.

Nighttime, rain ending, feeling of being loved.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Xiao Ming felt when he realized he had no umbrella and it was raining?
  • Why do you think Xiao Ming's mother didn't bring an umbrella for herself?
  • What can we learn about caring for others from Xiao Ming's mother's actions?

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