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Wacky Turkey Chucky's Day Out

In a small farm, there lived a wacky turkey named Chucky. Chucky loved to gobble and play.

Introduction to Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes, a playful turkey on a farm.

One sunny morning, Chucky woke up with a funny idea. He wanted to find the biggest pumpkin.

Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes wakes up, decides to find a big pumpkin.

Chucky flapped his wings and danced. 'Gobble, gobble!' he cried. 'I will find the pumpkin!'

Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes is excited about his pumpkin adventure.

He wobbled to the pumpkin patch. The sun was bright and the sky was clear. 'Gobble, gobble, whoo!'

Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes goes to the pumpkin patch, enjoying the weather.

Chucky looked around. Big pumpkins, small pumpkins, so many to see! But where was the biggest one?

Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes explores various sized pumpkins in search.

Then, he saw it! The biggest pumpkin! It was huge and round, and so very orange.

Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes spots the biggest pumpkin in the patch.

Chucky gobbled with joy. 'Gobble, gobble, yippee!' But how could he take it back to the barn?

Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes is happy but puzzled about moving the pumpkin.

He pushed with his head. He kicked with his feet. But the pumpkin wouldn't move. It was too big!

Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes tries to move the pumpkin but struggles.

Chucky thought and thought. Then he had an idea. 'I'll ask for help!' He ran to find his friends.

Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes decides to seek help from his friends.

Quacky Duck, Moo-Cow, and Baa-Sheep came to help. Together, they could do it!

Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes's friends arrive to help with the pumpkin.

They pushed and pulled, and rolled the pumpkin. Laughter filled the bright, sunny farm.

The animals work together, moving the pumpkin with joy.

They made it back! 'Gobble, gobble, thank you!' Chucky was so happy. Friends are great!

The pumpkin is at the barn and Wacky turkey with brown feathers and curious, bright eyes is thankful to his friends.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Chucky felt when he saw the biggest pumpkin?
  • What do you think about Chucky asking for help? Is it okay to ask friends for help?
  • How do you think Chucky's friends felt helping him with the pumpkin?

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