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Wally the Weka's Treasure
Wally the Weka's Taonga
Sneak! Sneak! Peek! Peek! Wally's beak shines a sleek streak. Tapeke! Tapeke! Tirotiro! Tirotiro! Ko te ngutu o Wally e whiti ana i te ahua kikorangi.
An adorable, cute, anthropomorphic, light brown,long, gray beak, scruffy, stringy, skinny, scruffy, baby weka bird, with a long sharp beak, whiskers and big, googly brown eyes, he is wearing: A cap with the name Wally on it, Red TShirt, long Cargo Pants, socks and sneakers, he is holding a pair of binoculars, when he sees plumbing parts in a back garden. ar1:1 Soft faded watercolor painting, bright colors, faded edges like fauvism, tender.
Grab! Grab! Hide! Hide! Into the forest, Wally slides. Hopu! Hopu! Huna! Huna! Ki roto i te ngahere, ka paheke a Wally.
An adorable, cute, anthropomorphic, light brown, scruffy, stringy, skinny, scruffy, baby weka bird, with a long sharp, gray beak, whiskers and big, googly brown eyes, he is wearing: A cap with the name Wally on it, Red TShirt, long Cargo Pants, socks and sneakers, he is holding a metal detector, when he sees a diamond ring on a beach. ar1:1 Soft faded watercolor painting, bright colors, faded edges like fauvism, tender.
Build! Build! Stack! Stack! Treasures fill his secret shack. Hanga! Hanga! Tāpae! Tāpae! Ka whakakiia e nga taonga tona whare ngaro.
An adorable, cute, anthropomorphic, light brown, scruffy, stringy, skinny, scruffy, baby weka bird, with a long sharp, gray beak, whiskers and big, googly brown eyes, he is wearing: A cap with the name Wally on it, Red TShirt, long Cargo Pants, socks and sneakers, he is building a hut in the forest with jewellery a!d plumbing parts.. ar1:1 Soft faded watercolor painting, bright colors, faded edges like fauvism, tender.
Sparkle! Shine! Wally's art! But taking things isn't smart. He korakora! Tiaho mai! Toi a Wally! Engari ko te tango mea ehara i te mea mohio.
Wally admiring his collection, feeling a pang of guilt.
Search! Search! Where'd they go? People's faces long and low. Rapu! Rapu! I haere ratou ki hea? He roa, he iti te kanohi o te tangata.
Islanders missing their shiny belongings, looking worried.
Worry! Worry! Sadness spread. Where's my ring? And my sled? Maharahara! Maharahara! Ka hora te pouri. Kei hea taku mowhiti? Me taku waka?
An islander puzzled over missing items, expressing loss.
Friend! Friend! Max comes near. Whispers honesty into ear. E hoa! E hoa! Ka tata mai a Max. Ka muhumuhu te pono ki te taringa.
Max the friend talking to Wally about the problem.
Think! Think! Wally knew, To his friends he must be true. Whakaarohia! Whakaarohia! I mohio a Wally, Ki ona hoa me pono ia.
Wally contemplating the consequences of his actions.
Return! Return! Night by night, Wally sets the wrongs to right. Hoki mai! Hoki mai! I te po i te po, ka whakatikahia e Wally nga he.
Wally sneaking back items to their owners secretly.
Smile! Smile! Joy's in town! No more shiny things go down. Ataata! Ataata! Kei te taone a Joy! Kua kore nga mea kanapa e heke iho.
Islanders happy to find their items returned.
Learn! Learn! Friends report, Honesty's the best support. Ako! Ako! E ai ki nga hoa, ko Honesty te tino tautoko.
Max and islanders teaching and learning about honesty.
Play! Play! Fun's not done! Now Wally's life shines like the sun! Taakaro! Taakaro! Kaore i oti te ngahau! Inaianei kua whiti te oranga o Wally ano he ra!
Wally playing honestly with friends, happy ending.

Reflection Questions

  • Imagine finding something very shiny and beautiful that doesn't belong to you. What would you do and why?
  • If you saw someone taking something that wasn't theirs, how would you help them understand it's wrong?
  • How do you think Wally felt when he returned the shiny things to their owners? Why do you think he felt that way?

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