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Water's Wonderful Journey

Water droplets hugged each other in the fluffy cloud, excited to start their journey.

Blue, clear, life-giving, no eyes, ever-changing droplets in cloud, ready to fall to Earth.

As the sun smiled down, the droplets began to dance lightly, turning into a soft rain.

Warm, radiant glow, can't see eyes, brings life causing water to rain down, droplets joyful.

The rain whispered secrets to the plants, who thirstily drank each word and droplet.

Clear droplets, glistening, bearer of life, no eyes nourishing plants, plants looking healthy.

Rivers carried the water on a twisting adventure, gurgling with glee over every rock.

Blue, clear, life-giving, no eyes, ever-changing traveling in a river, overcoming obstacles.

Animals came to the river, their eyes sparkling with thanks for the life-giving water.

Various types, thankful expressions, dependant on water drinking at the river, grateful for water.

Water seeped into the ground, where it whispered to the roots, making flowers bloom.

Blue, clear, life-giving, no eyes, ever-changing reaching underground, flowers blossoming.

With the moon's gentle nudge, water climbed the sky, joining friends in the airy cloud.

Blue, clear, life-giving, no eyes, ever-changing evaporating at night, going back to clouds.

The water saw children splashing in a pool, laughter bouncing on the watery mirror.

Children enjoying water in a pool, joyful noises.

Winter waved its icy wand, and the water shivered into sparkly snowflakes, soft as whispers.

Blue, clear, life-giving, no eyes, ever-changing changing into snowflakes during winter season.

The snowflakes clothed the ground in a shimmering blanket, hugging the earth in the cold.

Snow covering the ground, providing insulation.

But the sun returned, cuddling each flake until dripping giggles of water sang of spring.

Warm, radiant glow, can't see eyes, brings life melting snow, signaling the start of spring.

So the water traveled, laughed, and lived, always moving, in its wonderful journey cycle.

Blue, clear, life-giving, no eyes, ever-changing cycle complete, hinting at endless continuity.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think the plants felt when they received water after a long time?
  • Can you describe a time when you felt like the water on an exciting journey?
  • What can you do to show your appreciation for water just like the animals in the story?

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