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Weather Fun

Today is sunny and warm. I see a big yellow sun in the sky. It's a good day!

Introduction, Glowing yellow sun with a happy expressionny weather, outdoor setting, main character looking at the Glowing yellow sun with a happy expression.

I feel hot. I take off my jacket. I drink cold water to cool down.

Character responds to the warm weather, action of taking off the jacket and drinking water.

Uh oh! The sky turns gray. It starts to rain! I hear the pitter-patter of raindrops.

Change in weather, grey sky, beginning of rain, sound of raindrops.

I need an umbrella. I open it and hold it over my head. The rain can't get me now!

Character's solution to rain, action of opening the umbrella and feeling protected.

The rain stops. I see a rainbow! It has so many pretty colors. I feel happy.

Rainbow appears after rain stops, character's emotions and joyful reaction.

It's getting dark. I say goodnight to the sun and the moon. I go to bed.

Transition to night time, saying goodnight to the Glowing yellow sun with a happy expression and moon, character going to bed.

Clouds cover the moon. I can't see it anymore. The night is quiet and peaceful.

Description of the night sky, obscured moon, quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

I dream about flying kites in the wind. The wind blows them high into the air!

Character's dream about flying kites, strong wind, action of kites flying into the air.

I wake up. The wind is cool today. I put on a light jacket and go outside to play.

Change in weather to cool wind, character's response by putting on a jacket and going outside to play.

What's your favorite weather? How do you feel when it's sunny? When it rains? What do you like to do on a windy day?

Engage readers to share their favorite weather, emotions related to different weather, and activities on windy days.

Reflection Questions

  • What's your favorite weather? How do you feel when it's sunny? When it rains? What do you like to do on a windy day?

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