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Whiskers and Mrs. Maple's Market Adventure

Whiskers, the white fat cat, sat on the sunlit porch. Mrs. Maple came out the door.

Introduction to White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy and Old lady with silver hair, wears glasses and blue hat, setting on a porch.

Mrs. Maple wore her blue hat. She looked at Whiskers. 'Time for the market,' she said.

Old lady with silver hair, wears glasses and blue hat preparing to go to the market, talking to White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy.

Whiskers meowed. He followed Mrs. Maple down the path. The market was busy.

White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy agreeing and beginning the walk to the market.

At the market, there were stalls with fruits, veggies, and flowers. Colors everywhere!

Describing the lively market scene.

Whiskers sniffed apples. Then he saw fish! 'Meow!' Whiskers wanted some.

White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy interested in apples, then getting excited about fish.

Mrs. Maple laughed. 'Alright, for lunch,' she said, picking fish. Whiskers purred happily.

Old lady with silver hair, wears glasses and blue hat agreeing to buy fish, making White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy happy.

They saw Mr. Green. He had a parrot! The parrot squawked. Whiskers jumped.

Encountering Mr. Green and his parrot, surprising White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy.

Mrs. Maple smiled. 'Don't worry, Whiskers.' She petted him. Whiskers calmed down.

Old lady with silver hair, wears glasses and blue hat comforting White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy after the scare.

After buying bread and cheese, Mrs. Maple said, 'Time for home.' Whiskers followed.

Old lady with silver hair, wears glasses and blue hat deciding to head home, White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy accompanies her.

On the way back, Whiskers saw birds. He watched them fly. How fun!

White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy observing birds on the way home, entertained.

Back home, Mrs. Maple gave Whiskers fish. They sat together, happy after their day.

Returning home, Old lady with silver hair, wears glasses and blue hat gives White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy his treat, ending the day.

Whiskers napped, dreaming of markets, fish, and new friends. Mrs. Maple knit beside him.

White, fat cat with green eyes, very fluffy taking a nap and dreaming, Old lady with silver hair, wears glasses and blue hat knitting nearby.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Whiskers felt at the market and why?
  • Why is it nice for Mrs. Maple to take Whiskers with her?
  • What can you do to make a friend feel better when they are scared, like Whiskers?

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