In a land so magical, wondrous, and bright, lived a cat named Mook, with fur snowy white.
Alongside her pal, a dog called Goldie, they frolicked in fields, so wide and so wavy.
Mook and Goldie played with gusto, like wind in a whirlwind, go, go, go!
With a purr and a bark, each day began, exploring Wonderwood’s nooks and crannies, they'd planned.
"Mook and Goldie, hooray! Hooray!" The trees echoed as they'd say.
Through meadows of giggles and rivers of giggles, they ran up the hills seeking thrills and tickles.
Searching for treasure under the rainbow so high, they discovered a chest with a soft lullaby.
Inside they found wonders, so bright and so bold— a world of friendship and stories untold.
"No treasure is greater," Mook did declare, "Than friendship and love, a gift rare and fair."
In Wonderwood wild, Mook and Goldie find home, a kingdom of joy and dreams they roam.
Under stars and moon so bright, in the heart of Wonderwood, they snuggled tight.
Mook whispered, "With you, my golden friend, adventures will never, ever end!"
Reflection Questions