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Zim the Little Alien

Zim is a small alien. Zim is green.

Introducing Small, green alien with two big, round eyes, a small green alien on his home planet.

Zim has a pet. It is a red bug.

Small, green alien with two big, round eyes with his pet, a red bug, playing outside.

Zim likes to play. Play is fun.

Small, green alien with two big, round eyes playing catch with his red bug in a field.

Zim is sad. The bug ran away.

Small, green alien with two big, round eyes looking sad because his pet bug has disappeared.

Zim looks for the bug. Zim calls, 'Bug!'

Small, green alien with two big, round eyes searching around some rocks, calling out for his pet.

The bug is back. Zim is glad!

Reunion of Small, green alien with two big, round eyes and his bug, showing Small, green alien with two big, round eyes's happiness.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Zim felt when his bug ran away?
  • What can you do to make someone feel better when they are sad?
  • How do you feel when you find something you lost?

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