Zoey woke up with a twinkle in her eye, knowing it was the weekend and ready to fly high.
Twinkle your fingers in front of your eyes like Zoey waking up!
She wondered, oh she wondered, what she would do. Maybe watch cartoons, yes that's true!
Pretend you are turning on the TV and watching your favorite show.
Would she munch on fries from McDonald's or tacos galore? Taco Bell, Wendy's, and Zaxby's, there's more!
Rub your tummy like you're imagining delicious food!
Maybe she’d visit friends for giggles and glee. Laughter is the best, as sweet as can be!
Laugh out loud with your biggest, happiest laugh!
Zoey got dressed in a flash, ready to zoom, her plans as big as a hot air balloon!
Pretend to put on your favorite clothes really quickly!
She wheeled to the kitchen, her heart full of joy, dreaming of adventures like a new shiny toy.
Zoom around the room like you're in a race!
First to the TV, with a click and a zap! Cartoons burst forth, a colorful claptrap.
Pretend to hold a remote and turn on the TV for your favorite show!
Pop! Bang! Whizz! went the sounds on the show, Zoey giggled and wiggled, her excitement aglow.
Make popping and banging sounds like the cartoons!
But soon her tummy rumbled, it's time for a treat! Off to McDonald's for something to eat.
Rub your tummy and say 'Yum!'
Fries sizzled, burgers sizzled too, her taste buds danced like they were new!
Pretend to eat a really delicious burger and fries.
After she ate, friends started to call, ‘Let’s meet at the park and have a ball!’
Pretend to answer the phone and talk to your friends.
Together they played, they laughed and they ran, having more fun than anyone can!
Run in place like you’re playing a fun game with friends!