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Dirtman and Pip's Moonlit Adventure

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Once upon a time, Dirtman met a platypus named Pip. "Hi, Dirtman! Let's dig in the dirt," said Pip. Dirtman grinned. "Okay, Pip!"
They hopped and skipped, but uh-oh, Pip tripped! "Ouch! My leg!" cried Pip. Dirtman helped Pip up with all his might. "No worries, Pip. We'll have fun tonight."
They laughed, hid in clumps, and danced under moonlight. Silent owls blinked, and stars shimmered bright. "This was fun," said Pip, with a wink. Dirtman smiled. "You're the best platypus, I think!"
Pip giggled, hugged Dirtman tight. "Goodnight, friend," under the light. No more ouch, all was right!