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The Honest Ants

Once upon a time, in a green forest, there lived a big ant colony. The ants were very hardworking and lived together in harmony. They had a queen ant who was wise and fair. But there was one ant named Andy who had a problem. He couldn't stop himself from stealing food from his fellow ants.

A big ant colony in a green forest, ants working together

One day, Andy was caught stealing by Tom, his friend. Tom was upset and went to tell the queen ant about it. The queen listened patiently and understood the seriousness of the situation. She called Andy and asked him if he had stolen the food. Instead of lying, Andy bravely admitted his mistake and apologized.

A small brown ant with a curious smile stealing food, A strong red ant with sharp mandibles catching him, queen ant listening

The queen was impressed by Andy's honesty. She forgave him but gave him a task to make amends. Andy had to apologize to all the ants he had stolen from and promise to never do it again. Andy felt bad but followed the queen's instructions. He went to each ant and sincerely apologized.

Queen forgiving A small brown ant with a curious smile, Andy apologizing to all the ants

The other ants saw Andy's honesty and how he took responsibility for his mistake. They forgave him and accepted his apologies. From that day forward, Andy became a trusted member of the ant colony. He always worked hard and never stole again.

Other ants forgiving A small brown ant with a curious smile, Andy working hard

The moral of the story is that honesty is always the best policy. It may be difficult to tell the truth when we make a mistake, but it is important to take responsibility for our actions. The ants in the forest knew the value of honesty, and it made their colony strong and happy.

Moral of the story: Honesty is the best policy

Reflection Questions

  • What was the problem that Andy had?
  • What did Andy do when he was asked if he had stolen?
  • What task did the queen give to Andy after forgiving him?

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