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The Brave Young Li Ming

Once upon a time, in an ancient kingdom, there was a young hero named Li Ming. He lived in a small, sunny village where everyone knew each other. Li Ming was loved by his neighbors because he always helped them.

Introduction of hero Brave young hero, short black hair, kind brown eyes, in an ancient sunny village

One day, Li Ming learned about a greedy official who had built a huge money house by being very unfair. He had so much gold and silver that it could fill ten whole rooms! But he got it all by being bad to others.

Brave young hero, short black hair, kind brown eyes discovers the greedy official's huge money house

Many villagers were having a hard time because bad weather ruined their farms. Li Ming wanted to do something good to help them. He made a big decision to stop the greedy official but do it the right way.

Various people, simple clothes, hopeful faces struggling, Brave young hero, short black hair, kind brown eyes decides to help

Li Ming started to play detective. He searched for clues and talked to people, writing down everything in his little red notebook. Slowly, he found proof of the greedy official's bad deeds to show everyone.

Brave young hero, short black hair, kind brown eyes collects evidence against the official

Next, Li Ming found friends to help him. There was a former thief who was very sneaky, a wise person with big glasses, and a strong warrior with a shiny sword. Together, they planned how to tell everyone about the official's unfairness.

Brave young hero, short black hair, kind brown eyes meets allies: ex-thief, sage, and warrior

Li Ming and his friends worked very hard and soon they had enough proof to show the king. The king was fair and kind, and listened carefully. He saw that the greedy official had to be stopped.

Brave young hero, short black hair, kind brown eyes presents evidence to the king

With the king's help, the money that the greedy official took unfairly was given back to the villagers. They were so happy that they threw a big party for Li Ming and his friends. They all danced and had a fun time, celebrating their victory.

Greedy official stopped, victory celebration

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