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Dino's Space Adventure

Dino the dinosaur dreamed of daring to discover distant, dancing planets.

Green dinosaur, friendly eyes, big smile, purple pajamas, toy rocket in his pajamas, gazing at the twinkling stars through his bedroom window.

With a twist and a twirl, he tinkered with his toy rocket, ready to roar into space.

Green dinosaur, friendly eyes, big smile, purple pajamas, toy rocket in his playroom, surrounded by colorful space-themed toys and posters.

Up, up, and away he went, whooshing past winking stars and buzzing satellites.

Green dinosaur, friendly eyes, big smile, purple pajamas, toy rocket in his rocket, zooming past shooting stars and satellites in outer space.

As he arrived, he admired amazing, amusing alien animals and shimmering, shiny stars.

Green dinosaur, friendly eyes, big smile, purple pajamas, toy rocket outside his rocket, surrounded by friendly aliens and twinkling stars.

Feeling fantastic, he floated, flipping and flying, flapping and frolicking in the weightless wonderland.

Green dinosaur, friendly eyes, big smile, purple pajamas, toy rocket floating in space, doing somersaults and cartwheels in zero gravity.

But homesick and tired, he tumbled back, trailing stardust and slumbering in his soft, snug bed.

Green dinosaur, friendly eyes, big smile, purple pajamas, toy rocket back in his bedroom, drifting off to dreamland, surrounded by his favorite stuffed animals.

Tomorrow, he'd tell tales of his travel to terrific, twinkling planets and thrilling, towering space friends.

Green dinosaur, friendly eyes, big smile, purple pajamas, toy rocket asleep in bed, with a content smile and a small rocket toy clutched in his hand.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Dino felt when he was exploring space?
  • What was your favorite part of Dino's space adventure?
  • If you were an alien in space, what would you look like and what would you do?

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