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Ray and Nagito's First Day

Ray was excited and a bit nervous. It was his first day at Hope's Peak Academy.

Introduction to Shy boy, hopeful eyes, short brown hair, feeling a mix of emotions, at school entrance.

He saw Nagito, who looked as nervous as he felt. 'Hi, I'm Ray!' he said.

Shy boy, hopeful eyes, short brown hair meets Optimistic boy, messy light hair, green eyes, who appears nervous, at the school gate.

Nagito smiled back. 'I'm Nagito. Nice to meet you, Ray!' They entered together.

Optimistic boy, messy light hair, green eyes responds with a smile, friendship starting, walking into school.

The school was big and full of students. Ray and Nagito stuck close together.

Describing the large, busy school environment, new friends stay close.

'This is our classroom,' said Nagito, pointing to a door with a hopeful heart.

Optimistic boy, messy light hair, green eyes points to their classroom, marked with a symbol of hope.

Inside, kids were laughing and talking. Ray felt a warm feeling inside.

Classroom setting with happy classmates, Shy boy, hopeful eyes, short brown hair feeling positive emotions.

Their teacher, Ms. Yukizome, greeted them. 'Welcome, students of hope!'

Introduction of their teacher, Cheerful teacher, bright smile, long blonde hair, greeting them warmly.

Ray and Nagito found seats next to each other. The desks were shiny and new.

Shy boy, hopeful eyes, short brown hair and Optimistic boy, messy light hair, green eyes sit together, description of the new classroom furniture.

Ms. Yukizome asked everyone to introduce themselves. Ray went first, feeling brave.

Cheerful teacher, bright smile, long blonde hair encourages introductions, Shy boy, hopeful eyes, short brown hair volunteers, showing courage.

After introductions, they played a name game. Laughter filled the room.

Playing an icebreaker game, creating a positive, jovial atmosphere.

'Let's help each other to grow,' said Ms. Yukizome. Ray and Nagito nodded.

Cheerful teacher, bright smile, long blonde hair's motivational speech, Shy boy, hopeful eyes, short brown hair and Optimistic boy, messy light hair, green eyes agreeing with determination.

At the end of the day, Ray felt happy. He had a new friend and a new beginning.

End of the first day, Shy boy, hopeful eyes, short brown hair reflecting on his new friendship and school life.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Ray felt when he first arrived at the school, and why?
  • Why is it important for Ray and Nagito to support each other on their first day?
  • How might Ms. Yukizome's warm greeting make the new students feel more comfortable?

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