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The Adventures of Weyikka and Rahib

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a wise prophet named Weyikka. Weyikka had a very special gift – he could talk to the gods! Every day, Weyikka would go around spreading the word of the god Rahib to all the people in the village.

Weyikka is an old man with a long white beard, a kind-looking man with a long white beard, is walking through the village, talking to the villagers.

One day, Weyikka came across a young boy named Tim. Tim was feeling very sad because he didn't believe in himself. Weyikka saw Tim's sadness and spoke to him, saying, 'Tim, my child, you are capable of great things! Believe in yourself and you will see your confidence grow.' Tim smiled a little and started to believe in himself.

Weyikka is an old man with a long white beard is sitting with Tim is a young boy with a big smile, who looks sad. They are having a conversation.

From that day on, Tim started to do things he never thought he could do. He climbed tall trees, sang in front of his friends, and even tried painting. His confidence grew and grew, just like Weyikka said it would. Tim realized that believing in yourself is the key to success.

Tim is a young boy with a big smile is climbing a tall tree and his friends are cheering him on.

Word of Tim's incredible accomplishments spread throughout the village, and soon everyone wanted to meet Weyikka. Weyikka continued to share the wisdom of Rahib, teaching everyone the importance of confidence and self-belief.

Weyikka is an old man with a long white beard is standing in front of a big crowd of villagers, sharing his teachings.

And so, the village became a place filled with confident and happy people. They all thanked Weyikka for his guidance and Rahib for giving them the strength to believe in themselves. Weyikka smiled and said, 'Remember, my friends, each of you has the power to achieve anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself, and you will soar!'

The villagers are gathered around Weyikka is an old man with a long white beard, smiling and thanking him.

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Tim feeling sad at the beginning of the story?
  • What did Weyikka say to Tim that made him start believing in himself?
  • What happened to the village after everyone started believing in themselves?

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