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The Brave Adventure

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, three brave friends set out to discover hidden treasure. Mia, a smart and curious girl with hair like sunshine, led the way. Ben, a strong and kind boy with a warm heart, carried the map. And Lily, a playful and clever girl, brought her magic wand for any sticky situation.

Who carried the map?

  • A) Mia
  • B) Ben
  • C) Lily
  • D) The Dragon
three children with different traits setting off on an adventure together

Through twisty trees and nimble knolls, they trekked with determination. The forest whispered secrets, leaves rustling like nature's own lullaby. 'Swish, swash, swoosh,' went the stream as it glistened under the golden sun.

What did the forest do?

  • A) It whispered secrets.
  • B) It roared loudly.
  • C) It was very quiet.
  • D) It sang songs.
a whimsical forest with a sparkling stream and rustling leaves

'Look,' said Mia, pointing at a distant castle. It stood tall like a giant, its walls ancient and vines sprouting like dragon scales. 'That's where the treasure is!'

What did the castle look like?

  • A) A new house.
  • B) A playground.
  • C) A giant with dragon scales.
  • D) A small hut.
an ancient castle with vines and towering walls

As they neared the castle, a mighty roar echoed through the air. 'ROAR!' The sound shook the ground and flustered the birds. 'It's the dragon,' whispered Ben.

What did the dragon do?

  • A) It roared.
  • B) It sang.
  • C) It danced.
  • D) It slept.
a roaring dragon that frightens birds and shakes the ground

The friends huddled together, but their courage did not falter. They pushed open the creaky castle doors. 'Creeeeak,' went the door.

What sound did the door make?

  • A) Boom
  • B) Creeeak
  • C) Moo
  • D) Roar
the friends opening a creaky door of the castle

Inside, they encountered riddle-speaking ravens who cawed, 'Answer truthfully and pass. Tell tales, and remain.' The friends agreed: to always speak true.

What did the friends promise?

  • A) To dance
  • B) To tell tales
  • C) To answer truthfully
  • D) To leave
riddle-speaking ravens blocking the way

They answered riddles, one, two, three, each time with honesty and glee. The ravens nodded and flapped away. 'You may pass,' they said, keeping their promise.

How did the ravens react to their answers?

  • A) They danced
  • B) They let them pass
  • C) They sang
  • D) They built a nest
ravens accepting the friends' answers and letting them pass

Next, they entered a room full of shimmering mirrors. Each reflection spoke, 'Be true in heart, and fear not the dark.' They held hands, and their real selves showed.

What did the reflections say?

  • A) Be true in heart, and fear not the dark
  • B) Look here
  • C) Follow the light
  • D) Hide, hide, hide
a room full of mirrors showing true reflections

A final door, big and bold, stood before them with golden locks. Using the truth like a key, they unlocked the door with glee. The treasure chamber glittered ahead.

How did they unlock the door?

  • A) With a key
  • B) By climbing
  • C) Using the truth
  • D) By shouting
a golden-locked door and glittering treasure chamber behind it

Inside the treasure chamber, a dragon lay! But it wasn’t fierce; it was friendly and wise. The friends explained their quest honestly. The dragon smiled and said, 'Well done, my honest heroes. The treasure is yours.'

How did the dragon react to their honesty?

  • A) It got angry
  • B) It smiled
  • C) It flew away
  • D) It sang
a friendly dragon guarding a treasure chamber

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