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The Determined Bunny
الارنب المصمم
Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny.

ذات مرة ، كان هناك أرنب صغير اسمه بيني.
Bunny sitting in a green meadow
Benny loved to hop and play all day long.

أحب بيني القفز واللعب طوال اليوم.
Bunny hopping happily in the sunshine
One day, Benny's teacher told the class that they had a big test coming up.

ذات يوم ، أخبر معلم بيني الفصل أن لديهم اختبارًا كبيرًا قادمًا.
Bunny listening to the teacher with a worried face
Benny was determined to do well on the test. He studied every day.

كان بيني عازمًا على الأداء الجيد في الاختبار. درس كل يوم.
Bunny studying with books and pencils
The day of the test arrived and Benny felt a little nervous.

وصل يوم الاختبار وشعر بيني بالتوتر قليلاً.
Bunny clutching a pencil and looking unsure
But Benny remembered his determination and gave it his best shot.

لكن بيني تذكر تصميمه وقدم أفضل ما لديه.
Bunny concentrating and trying his hardest
After the test, Benny felt proud of himself. He had tried his best!

بعد الاختبار ، شعر بيني بالفخر بنفسه. لقد بذل قصارى جهده!
Bunny jumping joyfully with a big smile
From that day on, Benny knew that determination could help him succeed in anything.

منذ ذلك اليوم فصاعدًا ، أدرك بيني أن التصميم يمكن أن يساعده على النجاح في أي شيء.
Bunny looking confident with a determined expression

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Benny study every day?
  • How did Benny feel after the test?
  • What did Benny learn from his experience?

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