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The Lonely Bird

Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest filled with colorful flowers and tall trees, there was a little bird named Benny. Benny had bright blue feathers and a cheerful chirp. But he was very lonely and wanted someone to play with. So, he decided to set off on an adventure, searching for a friend.

A little bird with bright blue feathers, chirping cheerfully the bird is standing on a tree branch, surrounded by flowers in a vibrant forest

As Benny flew through the forest, he met a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy had soft brown fur and big round eyes. Benny asked Sammy, 'Will you be my friend and play with me?' Sadly, Sammy was too busy collecting acorns and couldn't play.

A little bird with bright blue feathers, chirping cheerfully is talking to A squirrel with soft brown fur and big round eyes, who is holding an acorn, in the middle of an acorn-filled clearing

Not giving up, Benny flew further and discovered a bunny named Bella. Bella had fluffy white fur and long floppy ears. Benny asked Bella, 'Will you be my friend and play with me?' Unfortunately, Bella was too busy hopping around and couldn't play either.

A little bird with bright blue feathers, chirping cheerfully is talking to A bunny with fluffy white fur and long floppy ears, who is hopping on green grass near a cluster of colorful flowers

Feeling a little sad, Benny continued his journey and spotted a butterfly named Lily. Lily had delicate wings with vibrant patterns. Benny asked Lily, 'Will you be my friend and play with me?' But Lily explained that she had to fly and visit other flowers, so she couldn't stay.

A little bird with bright blue feathers, chirping cheerfully is talking to A butterfly with delicate wings adorned with vibrant patterns, who is fluttering her colorful wings near a patch of blooming flowers

Just as Benny was about to give up, he saw a little bird named Billy flying towards him. Billy had yellow feathers and a sweet melodious voice. Benny eagerly asked Billy, 'Will you be my friend and play with me?' Billy happily replied, 'Of course!' and they flew together, singing songs and playing games, finally finding the long-lasting friendship they both desired.

A little bird with bright blue feathers, chirping cheerfully and A little bird with yellow feathers and a sweet melodious voice are flying together through the forest, surrounded by a beautiful sunset sky

Reflection Questions

  • How did Benny feel when he couldn't find anyone to play with?
  • Why do you think Sammy, Bella, and Lily couldn't play with Benny?
  • How did Benny feel when he finally found a friend?

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