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Tina's Terrific Tea Time

Tina the Tiger was terribly tired from playing tag, so she decided to have a tea party. She trotted to the table, tipped her teapot, and poured herself a cup of tangy tea.

Tina: orange fur, big green eyes, friendly and playful sitting at a table with a teapot, pouring tea into a cup, surrounded by colorful tea party decorations

As she sipped her tea, she heard a tiny tinkle and a tremor. It was Timmy the Turtle, toddling to join the tea time. They both tried different teas, Teddy's tangy tea and Tilly's tropical tea.

Tina: orange fur, big green eyes, friendly and playful and Timmy: green shell, kind eyes, slow and steady at the tea table with teapots and cups, surrounded by various tea flavors

The friends giggled and gulped, their tummies tingling with the tasty treats. Suddenly, a rumble and a rattle rattled the room. It was Toby the Toucan, toppling teacups as he tumbled into the tea party.

Tina: orange fur, big green eyes, friendly and playful, Timmy: green shell, kind eyes, slow and steady, and Toby: colorful feathers, bright eyes, a bit clumsy but cheerful at the tea table, surrounded by teacups and teapots, with tea spilled everywhere

The tea time turned topsy-turvy with Toby's tumble. Tina and Timmy helped Toby tidy up, then they twirled and twiddled with their teas, making the most of the terrific tea time together.

Tina: orange fur, big green eyes, friendly and playful, Timmy: green shell, kind eyes, slow and steady, and Toby: colorful feathers, bright eyes, a bit clumsy but cheerful cleaning up spilled tea, then happily sitting together with steaming cups of tea

Tummies full and hearts happy, the trio thanked each other for the delightful tea time. They hugged and hummed, ready for a restful sleep after their exciting afternoon of tea and tumbles.

Tina: orange fur, big green eyes, friendly and playful, Timmy: green shell, kind eyes, slow and steady, and Toby: colorful feathers, bright eyes, a bit clumsy but cheerful hugging, smiling, and yawning, getting ready for bed after their tea party

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Tina felt when her friends joined the tea party?
  • What did you learn from how the friends helped each other?
  • How would you feel if you spilled tea at a party? What would you do?

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