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The Boy and His Dragon

Once upon a time, in a big forest, there was a boy named Jack. Jack loved to explore the forest and look for exciting things. One day, as he was walking through the trees, he heard a strange noise. It was a soft rumbling sound. Jack followed the sound and discovered a baby dragon hiding behind a bush. The dragon had big, green eyes and shiny scales.

Jack is a curious boy who loves exploring the forest walks through the forest and finds a baby dragon with green eyes and shiny scales hiding behind a bush.

Jack was surprised to see a dragon in the forest. He sat down next to the dragon and gently stroke its back. The dragon seemed scared at first, but soon it started to purr like a kitten. Jack knew he had found a new friend.

Jack is a curious boy who loves exploring the forest sits next to the dragon and strokes its back. The dragon purrs like a kitten.

From that day on, Jack and the dragon became the best of friends. They would explore the forest together, climb trees, and have picnics by the river. The dragon loved to fly around and show off its wings. Jack would cheer for the dragon as it soared through the sky.

Jack is a curious boy who loves exploring the forest and the dragon explore the forest, climb trees, have picnics, and the dragon flies in the sky.

As the years went by, the dragon grew bigger and stronger. It turned into a magnificent creature with fiery red scales and powerful wings. But no matter how big the dragon became, it would always be Jack's loyal friend.

The dragon grows bigger and stronger, turning into a magnificent creature with red scales and powerful wings.

Every night, Jack and the dragon would cuddle up together under the stars. The dragon would breathe warm fire, keeping Jack cozy and safe. They would fall asleep, dreaming of all the adventures they would have in the forest.

Jack is a curious boy who loves exploring the forest and the dragon cuddle under the stars. The dragon breathes warm fire to keep Jack is a curious boy who loves exploring the forest cozy and safe.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Jack find the baby dragon?
  • What did Jack and the dragon do together in the forest?
  • What did the dragon do to keep Jack cozy and safe at night?

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