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The Peaceful Painter

Under a leafy green tree, little Tommy sat with a paper and crayons.

Introduces 8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature sitting under a tree outside on a sunny day with drawing supplies. There is a dove flying next to him.

With his blond hair shining in the sun, he started to draw something special.

Describes 8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature starting a drawing, focuses on hair.

He drew two wings, curved and soft, with gentle lines for feathers.

8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature drawing wings of a dove, focuses on the drawing.

Blue eyes focused, Tommy added a round body in the middle of the wings.

8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature focusing on adding the dove's body.

A small beak on the face, and two eyes like his, the dove looked happy.

8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature drawing the beak and eyes of the dove.

He wondered if the dove needed a friend, perhaps a tree just like his?

8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature considers enhancing the scenery in his drawing.

With a careful hand, Tommy drew a tree, with branches spread wide and welcoming.

8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature drawing a tree next to the dove in his picture.

He imagined the tree was like his, strong, old, and full of stories.

8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature reflecting on the similarity between his tree and the drawing.

The dove needed more friends, so Tommy added a family of doves, cuddled together.

8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature adds a family of doves to his drawing.

Happy with his creation, he decided to give each dove a name.

8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature personalizes his drawing by naming the doves.

One by one, he whispers, 'Peace, Hope, Joy,' and smiles at each one.

Naming the doves, conveying a message of positivity.

Tommy knew his picture was ready, a peaceful scene under a sunny sky.

8 year old boy, blond hair, blue eyes, artistic and gentle nature finishes his drawing, content with the peaceful atmosphere.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Tommy felt while drawing something special?
  • Why do you think Tommy chose to draw a dove and name them Peace, Hope, Joy?
  • How can creating something like a drawing affect your mood and feelings?

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