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The Boy and the Friendly Stranger

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy who had a sheep named Fluffy. They liked to explore the jungle together.

Curious boy with brown hair and a red hat and Adorable white sheep with a friendly smile in the lush green jungle

One day, as they were walking through the jungle, they came across a stranger. He had a big smile and kind eyes.

Curious boy with brown hair and a red hat, Adorable white sheep with a friendly smile, and the friendly stranger

The stranger approached Timmy and Fluffy and introduced himself as Alex. He said he was lost and needed help finding his way back home.

Curious boy with brown hair and a red hat, Adorable white sheep with a friendly smile, and Kind stranger with a backpack and a map talking in the jungle

Timmy and Fluffy decided to help Alex. They walked together, crossing rivers and climbing mountains, until they reached Alex's home.

Curious boy with brown hair and a red hat, Adorable white sheep with a friendly smile, and Kind stranger with a backpack and a map celebrating reaching home

Alex was very grateful for Timmy and Fluffy's help. He invited them to visit him anytime they wanted to explore more of the jungle.

Curious boy with brown hair and a red hat, Adorable white sheep with a friendly smile, and Kind stranger with a backpack and a map saying goodbye with smiles

From that day on, Timmy, Fluffy, and Alex became the best of friends. They went on many more adventures in the jungle together.

Curious boy with brown hair and a red hat, Adorable white sheep with a friendly smile, and Kind stranger with a backpack and a map happily exploring the jungle

They learned that friendship can be found in the most unexpected places and that helping others is a wonderful thing to do.

Curious boy with brown hair and a red hat, Adorable white sheep with a friendly smile, and Kind stranger with a backpack and a map sharing a heartwarming moment

And so, Timmy, Fluffy, and Alex lived happily ever after, creating beautiful memories in the jungle.

Curious boy with brown hair and a red hat, Adorable white sheep with a friendly smile, and Kind stranger with a backpack and a map surrounded by nature's beauty

Reflection Questions

  • How did Timmy and Fluffy meet Alex?
  • What did Timmy, Fluffy, and Alex do together?
  • What did Timmy, Fluffy, and Alex learn about friendship?

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