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The Legend of Makahiya

Once upon a time, there was a magical plant.

A green plant with delicate, shy leaves

The plant was called Makahiya, which means 'shy' in Filipino.

A plant with pink flowers and thorny stems

Makahiya was very sensitive and would close its leaves when someone touched it.

A little girl touching the plant's leaves

One day, a kind-hearted girl named Mia found Makahiya in the forest.

A kind-hearted girl who loves plants and nature. smiling while holding A green plant with pink flowers and thorny stems. gently

Mia understood Makahiya's shyness and took care of it.

A kind-hearted girl who loves plants and nature. watering A green plant with pink flowers and thorny stems. and giving it sunlight

As Makahiya felt loved, it started to open up its leaves for Mia.

A green plant with pink flowers and thorny stems.'s leaves slowly opening for A kind-hearted girl who loves plants and nature. with happiness

Makahiya's magic soon spread, and people started planting it in their gardens.

People happily planting A green plant with pink flowers and thorny stems. seeds in their gardens

They learned to be gentle and understanding, just like Mia.

People showing kindness and gentleness towards each other

And so, Makahiya became a symbol of love, care, and empathy.

A green plant with pink flowers and thorny stems. surrounded by hearts, symbolizing love and care

Even today, Makahiya reminds us to be kind and understanding to others.

A green plant with pink flowers and thorny stems. blooming in a garden, spreading happiness and love

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Makahiya close its leaves when someone touched it?
  • How did Mia take care of Makahiya?
  • What can we learn from Makahiya's story?

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