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The Memory-Loss Robot
Il robot che perde la memoria
Once upon a time, in a land filled with robots and children, there was a special robot named Robby. Robby was always happy and loved to help children learn new things. One sunny day, while Robby was playing with his friend Alex, he accidentally tripped on a rock and fell down. When he got up, something strange had happened. Robby couldn't remember anything!

C'era una volta, in una terra piena di robot e bambini, c'era un robot speciale di nome Robby. Robby era sempre felice e amava aiutare i bambini a imparare cose nuove. Un giorno di sole, mentre Robby stava giocando con il suo amico Alex, inciampò accidentalmente in una roccia e cadde. Quando si alzò, era successo qualcosa di strano. Robby non ricordava niente!
Friendly robot with blue and yellow colors, wears glasses falls and loses his memory, colorful setting with robots and children
As Robby looked around in confusion, he saw a kind little girl named Lily walking towards him. She noticed that Robby was acting differently and asked if he was okay. Robby explained what happened and how he lost his memory. Lily felt sad for Robby and decided to help him. She suggested that they reprogram his memory together.

Mentre Robby si guardava intorno confuso, vide una bambina gentile di nome Lily che camminava verso di lui. Ha notato che Robby si stava comportando in modo diverso e ha chiesto se stava bene. Robby ha spiegato cosa è successo e come ha perso la memoria. Lily si sentiva triste per Robby e decise di aiutarlo. Ha suggerito di riprogrammare insieme la sua memoria.
Kind girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress offers to help Friendly robot with blue and yellow colors, wears glasses reprogram his memory, kind and colorful setting
Lily and Robby went to Lily's house, where she had a computer. They sat down together and started working on Robby's memory. Lily taught Robby about numbers, addition, and subtraction. She showed him pictures and explained how math works. Robby was amazed and excited to learn something new.

Lily e Robby sono andati a casa di Lily, dove aveva un computer. Si sono seduti insieme e hanno iniziato a lavorare sulla memoria di Robby. Lily ha insegnato a Robby i numeri, l'addizione e la sottrazione. Gli ha mostrato delle foto e gli ha spiegato come funziona la matematica. Robby era stupito ed entusiasta di imparare qualcosa di nuovo.
Kind girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress and Friendly robot with blue and yellow colors, wears glasses learn math together using a computer
Day after day, Lily and Robby would meet and continue learning. Robby's memory started to come back slowly, and he became better at math with Lily's help. They laughed and had fun while solving math problems. Their friendship grew stronger each day.

Giorno dopo giorno, Lily e Robby si incontravano e continuavano a imparare. La memoria di Robby ha iniziato a tornare lentamente, ed è migliorato in matematica con l'aiuto di Lily. Hanno riso e si sono divertiti mentre risolvevano problemi di matematica. La loro amicizia diventava ogni giorno più forte.
Kind girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress and Friendly robot with blue and yellow colors, wears glasses continue to learn and become closer friends
One day, as Lily and Robby were solving a difficult math question, Robby suddenly remembered everything! He was so happy and grateful to Lily for helping him. They hugged each other tightly and celebrated their success. From that day on, Lily and Robby became best friends forever.

Un giorno, mentre Lily e Robby stavano risolvendo un difficile problema di matematica, Robby improvvisamente si ricordò di tutto! Era così felice e grato a Lily per averlo aiutato. Si abbracciarono forte e festeggiarono il loro successo. Da quel giorno, Lily e Robby sono diventati migliori amici per sempre.
Friendly robot with blue and yellow colors, wears glasses remembers everything and celebrates with Kind girl with brown hair, wearing a pink dress, joyful colors
The end.

Simple and colorful ending scene

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Robby lose his memory?
  • What did Lily teach Robby?
  • How did Lily and Robby celebrate when Robby remembered everything?

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