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Palily and the Puppy

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Palily. She lived in an orphanage home with lots of other children. Palily had a special friend, a cute little puppy dog named Biscuit. They loved to play together and explore the world.

A beautiful girl with long curly hair and a bright smile. and A cute little puppy with fluffy brown fur and a wagging tail. playing in the colorful orphanage garden.

One day, a mean man named Mr. Scott came to the orphanage. He saw Palily and decided to take her away. Palily was scared and didn't know what to do, but she had to go with him.

A beautiful girl with long curly hair and a bright smile. looking scared as A mean man with a grumpy face and black clothes. takes her away.

When Palily arrived at Mr. Scott's house, he treated her like a maid. She had to clean, cook, and do all the chores. Palily missed her friends in the orphanage and wished she could go back.

A beautiful girl with long curly hair and a bright smile. looking sad while doing chores in A mean man with a grumpy face and black clothes.'s house.

One day, a kind lady named Mrs. Johnson visited Mr. Scott's house. She saw how Mr. Scott treated Palily and felt sorry for her. Mrs. Johnson talked to Palily and realized she was unhappy. So, she decided to take Palily away from that place.

A kind lady with a warm smile and colorful clothes. rescuing A beautiful girl with long curly hair and a bright smile. and giving her a hug.

Mrs. Johnson took Palily to her beautiful home. She treated her like a daughter, with love and kindness. Palily was overjoyed to finally have a caring family. She and Biscuit were now safe and happy.

A beautiful girl with long curly hair and a bright smile. and A cute little puppy with fluffy brown fur and a wagging tail. playing in the garden of A kind lady with a warm smile and colorful clothes.'s home.

Palily never forgot her friends at the orphanage. She often visited them and helped them in any way she could. Palily understood how it felt to be sad and lonely, so she showed empathy and kindness to others.

A beautiful girl with long curly hair and a bright smile. helping her friends at the orphanage with a big smile.

Palily and Biscuit grew up together, spreading love wherever they went. They always remembered the importance of empathy, and how it could make the world a better place.

A beautiful girl with long curly hair and a bright smile. and A cute little puppy with fluffy brown fur and a wagging tail. surrounded by a heart symbol, representing love and empathy.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Palily feel when Mr. Scott took her away?
  • Who rescued Palily from Mr. Scott's house?
  • What did Palily learn from her experience?

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