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King and Poor Man

Once upon a time, there was a kind and fair king.

King with a golden crown and a red velvet robe. with a golden crown and a red velvet robe.

In the kingdom, there was also a poor man named Jack.

Poor man with ragged clothes and a worn-out hat.

One day, the king discovered that the people in his kingdom were unhappy.

King with a golden crown and a red velvet robe. looking concerned surrounded by sad people.

The king summoned Jack and asked for his help to solve the problems.

King with a golden crown and a red velvet robe. talking to Jack, showing him a scroll.

Jack listened carefully and came up with clever solutions.

Jack with thinking expression and a light bulb above his head.

With Jack's help, the king solved the problems and made everyone happy.

King with a golden crown and a red velvet robe. and Jack shaking hands, while people smile around them.

The king thanked Jack for his wisdom and generosity.

King with a golden crown and a red velvet robe. patting Jack's back with a grateful expression.

From that day on, the king and Jack became best friends.

King with a golden crown and a red velvet robe. and Jack laughing together, showing friendship and happiness.

Reflection Questions

  • How did the king feel when he discovered the problems in his kingdom?
  • What did the king ask Jack for?
  • Did the king and Jack become friends in the end?

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