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My Amazing Eyes

My eyes help me see things around me.

Introduction, character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin, on a bright sunny day.

I use my eyes to read books and see my favorite toys.

Character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin reading, surrounded by toys.

Eyes help me see colors; red, blue, and green are some of my favorites.

Character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin admiring a colorful picture.

I close my eyes to sleep and have dreams of flying high in the sky.

Character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin with closed eyes, imagining flying.

My eyes blink to keep them clean and healthy.

Character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin demonstrating a blinking motion.

Eyes can show feelings; I smile with my eyes when I'm happy.

Character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin showing joyful expression.

I have two eyes, and they work together to help me see well.

Character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin with two eyes, emphasizing teamwork.

If I take care of my eyes, they will help me see for a long, long time.

Character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin with a healthy lifestyle, promoting eye care.

Some animals have different eyes than mine, like big round owl eyes!

Character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin comparing eyes with an Wide-eyed owl with round, golden eyes's eyes.

I'm grateful for my eyes; they let me explore the world in amazing ways.

Character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin showing gratitude, surrounded by nature.

My eyes are special, and I'll always take care of them.

Conclusion, character: Happy, curious child with brown eyes and fair skin with a determined look.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think the child feels when seeing beautiful colors?
  • What can you do to take care of your eyes?
  • Why is it important to be grateful for our eyes?

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