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The Story of Snow White

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a beautiful princess named Snow White.

The text is written on a page, surrounded by colorful illustrations of a castle with a lush garden. Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown is shown wearing a blue dress and a crown on her head.

Snow White had fair skin as white as snow, lips as red as roses, and hair as black as ebony.

The text is written on a page, accompanied by a vibrant illustration of Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown with pale white skin, bright red lips, and long, flowing black hair.

She lived with her stepmother, the evil queen, who was jealous of Snow White's beauty.

The text is written on a page, depicting Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown's stepmother as a tall and cruel-looking queen with dark eyes and a cold expression.

One day, the evil queen asked her magic mirror, 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?'

The text is written on a page, showing the queen standing in front of a magical mirror that reflects her own image back to her.

To her dismay, the mirror revealed that Snow White was now the fairest in the land.

The text is written on a page, illustrated with the queen's shocked and angry expression as the mirror shows an image of Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown, looking radiant and beautiful.

Out of jealousy, the evil queen ordered a huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and kill her.

The text is written on a page, featuring a dark and eerie forest with the huntsman and Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown standing in the center. The huntsman appears hesitant and troubled.

However, the huntsman couldn't bring himself to harm Snow White and instead, set her free in the forest.

The text is written on a page, showing the huntsman releasing Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown, who looks both relieved and determined to survive in the dangerous forest.

Lost and scared, Snow White stumbled upon a small cottage in the woods.

The text is written on a page, depicting a cozy cottage surrounded by trees. Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown is shown at the doorstep, looking tired but hopeful.

The seven dwarfs who lived in the cottage welcomed Snow White and allowed her to stay with them.

The text is written on a page, showcasing the seven dwarfs standing in a line, looking friendly and kind. Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown is shown interacting happily with them in the cottage.

Meanwhile, the evil queen discovered that Snow White was still alive and decided to take matters into her own hands.

The text is written on a page, featuring the queen plotting in her castle with a malicious grin on her face.

Using her dark magic, the queen disguised herself as an old woman and tricked Snow White with a poisoned apple.

The text is written on a page, showing the disguised queen offering the poisoned apple to Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown, who appears trustful but slightly skeptical.

Snow White took a bite of the apple and fell into a deep sleep, only to be awakened by true love's kiss.

The text is written on a page, displaying Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown lying on a bed in a death-like sleep as a prince leans forward to kiss her, surrounded by worried dwarfs.

When Snow White woke up, the queen's wickedness was defeated, and she lived happily ever after with the prince.

The text is written on a page, depicting Fair skin, red lips, black hair, wearing a blue dress and a crown and the prince standing in a beautiful garden, surrounded by flowers and joyful woodland creatures.

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