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The Rainbow Snake and the Colors of Friendship

Once upon a time, there was a Rainbow Snake.

Colorful snake with a friendly smile and magical powers. with colorful scales and a friendly smile

The Rainbow Snake loved to slither through the forest.

Colorful snake with a friendly smile and magical powers. slithering through the green forest trees

One day, the Rainbow Snake met a shy Turtle.

Shy Shy creature hiding in a hard shell, curious eyes. hiding inside its hard shell

The Rainbow Snake said, 'Hello, Turtle! Let's be friends.'

Colorful snake with a friendly smile and magical powers. offering friendship to shy Shy creature hiding in a hard shell, curious eyes.

Turtle peeked out and said, 'I would love to be friends.'

Shy creature hiding in a hard shell, curious eyes. peeking out and smiling at Colorful snake with a friendly smile and magical powers.

The Rainbow Snake and Turtle played together every day.

Colorful snake with a friendly smile and magical powers. and Shy creature hiding in a hard shell, curious eyes. laughing and playing in nature

Rainbow Snake asked, 'Turtle, have you ever seen colors?'

Colorful snake with a friendly smile and magical powers. and Shy creature hiding in a hard shell, curious eyes. talking under a colorful rainbow

Turtle said, 'No, I haven't. Show me, Rainbow Snake.'

Shy creature hiding in a hard shell, curious eyes. looking curious and excited to see colors

The Rainbow Snake slithered around and created rainbows.

Colorful snake with a friendly smile and magical powers. creating vibrant rainbows with magic powers

Turtle's eyes lit up with wonder as the colors filled the world.

Shy creature hiding in a hard shell, curious eyes. looking amazed and happy as colors surround them

Reflection Questions

  • Why did the Rainbow Snake want to be friends with Turtle?
  • What did the Rainbow Snake create with its magic powers?
  • How did Turtle feel when it saw the colors for the first time?

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