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Mali's Countryside Garden

Mali lives in a house with a big garden. She loves the fresh air.

Introduction to Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat and her countryside home with a garden

Her garden grows many things: red tomatoes, green lettuce, and yellow corn.

Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat's garden with various colorful vegetables

Every morning, Mali waters her plants. She talks to them happily.

Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat caring for her plants in the morning routine

Next to the veggies, there are fruit trees. Mali climbs to pick the fruits.

Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat harvesting fruits from her orchard

One day, Mali notices some plants are sick. She feels sad for them.

Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat discovering sick plants, depicting concern

Mali asks Grandma how to make the plants healthy again. Grandma knows a lot.

Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat seeking advice from Elderly woman with grey hair, wise eyes, often smiles, who is knowledgeable

Grandma says, 'Let's make natural medicine for the plants.' Mali is eager to learn.

Elderly woman with grey hair, wise eyes, often smiles teaching Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat about natural remedies for plants

They mix garlic and soap with water. Mali sprays it on the sick plants.

Preparing and using homemade plant medicine

Day by day, Mali takes care of the garden. The plants start to heal.

Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat persistently caring for her garden, showing improvement

Soon, the garden is full of life again. Mali and Grandma are very happy.

Garden flourishing, reflecting Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat and Elderly woman with grey hair, wise eyes, often smiles's happiness

Mali learns that with love and care, every garden will bloom beautifully.

Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat reflecting on the efforts needed for a thriving garden

Mali promises to always look after her countryside garden and its plants.

Young girl with long, black hair and brown eyes, wears a sun hat making a heartfelt promise to her garden

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Mali felt when she saw the sick plants?
  • What can we learn from Grandma's way of helping Mali?
  • Why is it important to take care of our environment, like Mali did with her garden?

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