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Honesty in Short Knock Knock Jokes

Knock, knock. Who's there? Lettuce. Lettuce who? Lettuce in, it's starting to rain!

Two friends standing at the door, green and rainy.

Knock, knock. Who's there? Boo. Boo who? Don't cry, it's just a joke!

Someone hiding behind a tree, doing a scary face.

Knock, knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad to see me?

A friend holding an orange, smiling happily.

Knock, knock. Who's there? Cow says. Cow says who? No silly, Cow says moooo!

A friendly cow wearing a colorful hat, smiling.

Knock, knock. Who's there? Hawaii. Hawaii who? Hawaii you doing today?

A person holding a Person holding a Hawaii travel brochure, wearing a flower lei travel brochure and looking excited.

Knock, knock. Who's there? Olive. Olive who? Olive you and I miss you!

A person holding an olive branch, showing love.

Knock, knock. Who's there? Harry. Harry who? Harry up and answer the door!

A person knocking on the door with a rushed expression.

Knock, knock. Who's there? Cash. Cash who? Bless you!

Someone holding a dollar bill, pretending to sneeze.

Reflection Questions

  • Why is honesty important in jokes?
  • How does it feel when someone tells a joke?
  • Why is it important to laugh and have fun?

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