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Sisters' Fun at the Park

Once upon a time, two sisters named Lily and Rosie walked hand in hand to the park.

Two sisters holding hands, walking down a sunny path.

As they strolled, they spotted beautiful flowers blooming on the side of the path.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a purple bow and Black hair, blue overalls, and yellow sandals pointing at colorful flowers with big smiles.

Excitedly, they picked the prettiest flowers and giggled as they bundled them together.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a purple bow and Black hair, blue overalls, and yellow sandals holding a bouquet of colorful flowers with excitement.

"Let's go to the park and throw them up in the air!" suggested Lily.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a purple bow with a mischievous grin as she suggests throwing flowers in the air.

When they reached the park, the sisters threw the flowers up high, and the wind playfully twirled them around.

Flowers swirling in the air while Blonde hair, pink dress, and a purple bow and Black hair, blue overalls, and yellow sandals laugh joyfully.

"Look, Rosie! A jungle gym! Let's climb and slide!" exclaimed Lily, pointing at the colorful playset.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a purple bow and Black hair, blue overalls, and yellow sandals looking at a colorful jungle gym with excitement.

Giggling and squealing with delight, they climbed and slid down the slides, feeling like they were flying.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a purple bow and Black hair, blue overalls, and yellow sandals sliding down a slide, arms in the air, with big smiles.

Tired but happy, the sisters decided it was time to head home.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a purple bow and Black hair, blue overalls, and yellow sandals holding hands, looking content but tired.

"Let's collect more flowers for Mom and Dad!" Rosie suggested.

Black hair, blue overalls, and yellow sandals with a thoughtful look, suggesting picking flowers for their parents.

Back home, they threw the flowers up, and their family's faces lit up with joy.

Blonde hair, pink dress, and a purple bow and Black hair, blue overalls, and yellow sandals throwing flowers up while their family smiles happily.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Lily and Rosie feel when they picked the flowers?
  • What did they decide to do at the park?
  • Why were their parents happy when they threw the flowers?

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