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The True Heart of Mehreen

Once upon a time, in a small cozy town, lived a little girl named Mehreen.

Introducing Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile, kind girl, lives in a small town.

Mehreen was loved for her sweet smile and helpful hand.

Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile known for kindness and helpfulness in town.

But Mehreen longed for a friend who liked her playful heart.

Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile desires a friend who appreciates her true self.

She met many kids who liked her cookies, but not her silly jokes.

Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile finds friends who like her cookies, not her humor.

One sunny day, Mehreen played alone, whispering jokes to the wind.

Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile playing alone, telling jokes to no one.

A cheerful laugh echoed back. Mehreen turned to see Kai, a new kid.

New boy, short black hair, brown eyes, bright grin, new kid, laughs at Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile's joke.

Kai liked Mehreen's stories and even shared his own.

New boy, short black hair, brown eyes, bright grin appreciates Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile's stories, shares his as well.

They played and laughed, their hearts light as feathers.

Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile and New boy, short black hair, brown eyes, bright grin play together, forming a bond.

Mehreen taught Kai to bake cookies, and Kai taught her to whistle.

They teach each other new skills and deepen friendship.

One rainy day, Mehreen gave her last cookie to Kai.

Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile offers her last cookie to show friendship to New boy, short black hair, brown eyes, bright grin.

Kai shared his umbrella and said, 'I like you for your heart.'

New boy, short black hair, brown eyes, bright grin shows kindness in return, valuing Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile's heart.

From then on, they were the best of friends, true to each other.

Kind girl, long brown hair, green eyes, warm smile and New boy, short black hair, brown eyes, bright grin establish a true, lasting friendship.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Mehreen felt when she couldn't find a true friend?
  • Why is it important to like someone for who they truly are?
  • How can you show your friends that you value their personalities?

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