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The Magical Light

Suddenly one day, while playing in the yard, Ana and Ernesto saw a mysterious light glowing under the plants in the garden. They were curious to find out what it was, so they tiptoed closer to investigate.

Ana has light brown skin and sparkling brown eyes and Ernesto has dark brown skin and curious hazel eyes are playing in their yard with green grass and colorful flowers. Underneath a bush, a glowing light illuminates the area.

As they approached the light, they discovered a tiny door hidden among the roots. The door opened slowly, revealing a magical world filled with talking animals and enchanting creatures.

Ana has light brown skin and sparkling brown eyes and Ernesto has dark brown skin and curious hazel eyes stand in awe as a small door appears, behind the door lies a magical world with talking animals, colorful flowers, and sparkly trees.

Ana and Ernesto couldn't believe their eyes! The animals invited them to join a tea party where they could drink rainbow tea and eat cupcakes with frosting that tasted like cotton candy.

Ana has light brown skin and sparkling brown eyes and Ernesto has dark brown skin and curious hazel eyes happily sit at a colorful tea party table surrounded by friendly animals, enjoying rainbow tea and delicious cupcakes.

Time flew by as they laughed and played games with their new friends. But when the sun started to set, Ana and Ernesto knew it was time to go home. They said their goodbyes, promising to visit again soon.

Ana has light brown skin and sparkling brown eyes and Ernesto has dark brown skin and curious hazel eyes wave goodbye to their animal friends, ready to return home. The golden sunset sky shines above them, creating a warm and peaceful atmosphere.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Ana and Ernesto felt when they discovered the magical world?
  • What kind of games do you think they played with their new friends?
  • How would you describe the magical tea party table using your imagination?

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