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Once upon a time, in a snowy village, Frosty the husky bumped into Billy, an 8-year-old boy.
Pretend to make snow angels like Frosty and Billy!
Frosty wagged his tail and led Billy through a mysterious tunnel under the village, where they found themselves in the fairy world of mathematics.
Giggle while pretending to walk through a magical tunnel.
In the math fairy world, everything danced and sang! Frosty chased after dancing numbers, and Billy laughed at shapes playing tag.
Spin around like a dancing number or a playful shape!
The Math Fairy appeared, wearing a sparkly tutu and holding a golden ruler. She taught Frosty and Billy all about counting and measuring.
Pretend to count and measure things like the Math Fairy.
Frosty and Billy learned how to add and subtract using magical glowing orbs, and the Math Fairy showed them how to draw shapes with colorful sparkles.
Draw shapes in the air with your finger like the Math Fairy!
After a fun day of learning, the Math Fairy sent Frosty and Billy back home, where they fell asleep dreaming of numbers and shapes.
Cuddle up like Frosty and Billy, pretending to fall asleep.
The next morning, Billy couldn't wait to tell his friends about the fairy world of mathematics and the amazing adventure with Frosty the husky.
Share a big smile and tell a friend about an adventure like Billy!