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The Journey of a Plastic Bottle

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily who loved playing in the park.

Emily happily playing on a swing in the park

One day, Emily found a plastic bottle lying on the ground. She picked it up and wondered what to do with it.

Emily holding a plastic bottle and looking confused

Emily's mom taught her about recycling and how it helps protect the environment. She told Emily that the plastic bottle could be recycled into something new.

Emily's mom explaining recycling to Emily

Excited to help the environment, Emily carried the plastic bottle to the recycling bin.

Emily happily walking with the plastic bottle to the recycling bin

At the recycling center, the plastic bottle was sorted with other recyclables. Emily watched as it was melted down and turned into tiny plastic pellets.

Emily observing the plastic bottle being sorted and melted

The plastic pellets were then transformed into a brand new plastic bottle! Emily was amazed at how recycling could give something old a new life.

Emily holding the brand new plastic bottle and smiling

Emily's mom explained that recycling reduces the amount of waste in landfills and helps conserve resources, like oil and energy.

Emily's mom explaining the benefits of recycling

From that day on, Emily always made sure to recycle bottles, cans, and paper. She knew that every small act of recycling made a big difference for the Earth.

Emily happily recycling and encouraging others to do the same

And so, Emily and the plastic bottle lived happily ever after, knowing they were helping to protect the planet.

Emily and the plastic bottle waving goodbye with a green Earth behind them

Reflection Questions

  • How did Emily feel when she found the plastic bottle?
  • What did Emily learn about recycling at the recycling center?
  • Why is recycling important for the Earth?

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