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Patience Pays Off

Once upon a time in a little village, there lived a loving son named Sam and his mother, Mrs. Green. Every day, Sam takes care of his mother with patience.

Kind-hearted boy with messy brown hair, wearing a blue shirt and Elderly lady with gray hair, wearing a floral dress smiling, surrounded by colorful flowers

When Mrs. Green wants to go for a walk, Sam patiently helps her put on her shoes and holds her arm as they stroll down the road.

Kind-hearted boy with messy brown hair, wearing a blue shirt helping Elderly lady with gray hair, wearing a floral dress with her shoes, both wearing bright clothes

One day, Mrs. Green says, "Sam, I would love some fresh apples from the tree near the river." Sam smiles and says, "Patience, Mom! We'll get some."

Elderly lady with gray hair, wearing a floral dress pointing at an apple tree, Kind-hearted boy with messy brown hair, wearing a blue shirt with a bucket

Sam and his mother walk to the river, and Sam patiently waits for the apples to ripen on the branches. He says, "Patience, Mom, the apples will be perfect soon!"

Kind-hearted boy with messy brown hair, wearing a blue shirt waiting under the apple tree, Elderly lady with gray hair, wearing a floral dress admiring the river

Finally, the apples turn a beautiful shade of red, and Sam picks them for his mother. Mrs. Green hugs Sam and says, "Thank you, my patient and caring son!"

Kind-hearted boy with messy brown hair, wearing a blue shirt holding a basket of ripe apples, Elderly lady with gray hair, wearing a floral dress embracing Sam

From that day on, whenever Mrs. Green wants something, Sam reminds her to be patient. Together, they make every day filled with love and understanding.

Kind-hearted boy with messy brown hair, wearing a blue shirt and Elderly lady with gray hair, wearing a floral dress laughing together, surrounded by heart-shaped symbols

Reflection Questions

  • Why is Sam patient with his mother?
  • What does Sam say to his mom when she wants apples?
  • How does Sam feel when the apples finally ripen?

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