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Pierre et le Loup

Once upon a time in a beautiful forest, there lived a brave boy named Pierre. Pierre loved to explore nature and play his flute. One sunny day, as he was walking through the forest, he heard a rustling sound. He followed the sound and discovered a mischievous duck swimming in a pond. The duck quacked happily as Pierre approached.

Brave boy with brown hair, red cap, and green vest is a young boy with brown hair, wearing a red cap and a green vest. He is standing near a pond, smiling at a yellow duck.

Suddenly, a playful cat appeared, trying to catch the duck. Pierre quickly chased away the cat, saving his new friend. As they continued their adventure, they heard a grumbling sound from the bushes. It was a hairy, gray wolf! The wolf had sharp teeth and a hungry look in its eyes.

Brave boy with brown hair, red cap, and green vest and the duck are startled as a gray wolf emerges from the bushes. The wolf has sharp teeth and a fierce expression.

Pierre had an idea to outsmart the wolf. He began playing his flute, creating a cheerful tune. The wolf couldn't resist the beautiful music and started to dance. While the wolf was distracted, Pierre guided the duck and safely escaped. They all rejoiced, knowing that the wolf couldn't harm them anymore.

Brave boy with brown hair, red cap, and green vest is seen playing his flute while the duck cheers. The wolf is happily dancing to the music.

From that day on, Pierre and the duck became best friends. They continued to explore the forest together, always looking out for each other. And every time they heard the wolf's howl, they knew they were safe and brave.

Brave boy with brown hair, red cap, and green vest and the duck walk hand in hand, smiling, with the forest as their background.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Pierre save the duck from the cat?
  • What did Pierre use to distract the wolf?
  • What happened to Pierre, the duck, and the wolf at the end?

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