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Zor Ki Barsaat Hui

Once upon a time, in the lively land of ZippyZoom, it started to rain. But this was no ordinary rain. It was a fantastical, whimsical, Zor ki barsaat!

Pretend to hold out your hand to catch magical raindrops!

A vibrant, magical land with cartoon-style rain falling from a colorful sky.

The raindrops were not just water, oh no! They were sweet candy drops, plopping down with a delightful ‘plip-plop’ all over the town.

Stick out your tongue as if catching candy drops falling from the sky!

Raindrops falling, which look like colorful candy, plopping on buildings and trees.

The flowers in Granny Fanny's garden began to sing, 'La-la-la, rain so sweet, oh so neat!'

Sing ‘La-la-la’ together with everyone around!

A cheerful garden with singing flowers in bright colors.

Little Timmy the turtle found a huge chocolate puddle, 'Splash, splish, squish!' he giggled, making waves.

Pretend to splash in a puddle with your feet!

A cute turtle happily splashing in a puddle of chocolate.

Pip the parrot flapped his wings, 'Squawk, I love this bonkers rain!' He swooped and swirled in the sweet, colorful shower.

Flap your arms like wings and pretend to fly around!

A parrot playfully flapping and flying through the candy rain.

Meanwhile, Fuzz the cat pounced from one candy drop to another, 'Boing, boing!' she mewed, as happy as could be.

Jump up and down as if pouncing like Fuzz the cat!

A playful cat jumping between colorful candy drops.

Even the trees were having fun. Their leaves turned into lollipops, swaying and dancing to the rhythm of the rain.

Sway your arms like dancing branches!

Tall trees with leaves that have turned into various lollipops, dancing joyfully.

Children gathered with wide-eyed wonder, making candy angels in the gummy bear lawns.

Lie down and move your arms and legs to pretend making candy angels!

Children making what looks like snow angels but in a field of gummy bears.

Mr. Hopper the frog croaked a jolly tune, his green skin shining with sugar crystals, 'Ribbit, life is sweet!'

Jump like a frog saying 'Ribbit!'

A frog happily croaking while sparkling with tiny sugar crystals.

The sky began to clear, and a beautiful candy rainbow stretched across the sky, 'Ooh, ahh,' everyone marveled.

Point to the sky and say 'Ooh, ahh!' with wonder.

A stunning candy rainbow stretching across a sky that is slowly clearing.

The town of ZippyZoom sparkled as the sweet rain ended, and everyone gathered, licking their lips in delight.

Lick your lips as if tasting something delicious!

A sparkling town with joyful residents after the magical rain has ended.

It was a Zor ki barsaat they would never forget, full of laughter, sweetness, and joyous memories.

Give a big, happy smile to everyone around!

Smiling faces of all the characters, joyful and happy.

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