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Puppy's First School Day
Hondjie se eerste skooldag
Puppy woke up early, buzzing with excitement. Today was his very first day of school!

Hondjie het vroeg wakker geword en gons van opgewondenheid. Vandag was sy heel eerste skooldag!

Stretch high like Puppy waking up from a good night's sleep

Puppy excited in bedroom, getting ready for school
After a hearty breakfast, Puppy put on his bright red collar. He was ready to go.

Na 'n stewige ontbyt het Puppy sy helderrooi kraag aangetrek. Hy was gereed om te gaan.

Pretend to buckle a collar around your neck like Puppy

Puppy at kitchen, eating and wearing red collar
His tail wagged as he waited for the yellow bus. It seemed to take forever!

Sy stert waai terwyl hy vir die geel bus wag. Dit het gelyk of dit vir ewig duur!

Wag your tail (or pretend one) just like Puppy

Puppy waiting for bus, tail wagging
At last, the bus arrived, and Puppy climbed aboard. He found a seat by the window.

Uiteindelik het die bus opgedaag, en Puppy het aan boord geklim. Hy het 'n sitplek by die venster gekry.

Make a 'beep-beep' sound as the bus stops for Puppy

Puppy getting on bus, sitting down
The bus rumbled and rolled to school. Puppy watched the world zoom by.

Die bus het gedreun en skool toe gerol. Hondjie het gekyk hoe die wêreld verbyzoem.

Look around excitedly as if the world is zipping past your window

Inside bus, Puppy looking out window
When they arrived, Puppy queued with others. His paws fidgeted as he waited.

Toe hulle aankom, het Puppy saam met ander tougestaan. Sy pote vroetel terwyl hy wag.

March in place as you wait in line like Puppy

Puppy in line with classmates outside school
The bell rang, and Puppy's ears perked up. He wanted to run right in, but he took deep breaths instead.

Die klok het gelui, en Puppy se ore het opgestaan. Hy wou reguit hardloop, maar hy haal eerder diep asem.

Ring a pretend bell and perk up your ears like Puppy

Puppy hears bell, ready to enter school
Ms. Whiskers, the teacher, greeted each pup. 'Welcome!' she smiled, as Puppy walked in.

Me. Whiskers, die onderwyseres, het elke hondjie gegroet. "Welkom!" sy glimlag, toe Puppy instap.

Wave and smile like you're greeting your friends

Puppy being greeted by teacher
The classroom was full of toys and books. Puppy's eyes grew wide with wonder.

Die klaskamer was vol speelgoed en boeke. Hondjie se oë het groot geword van verwondering.

Open your eyes wide in amazement like you're seeing something incredible

Puppy looking at classroom toys and books
Puppy had to sit still for story time. It was hard, but he listened to every word.

Hondjie moes stilsit vir storietyd. Dit was moeilik, maar hy het na elke woord geluister.

Sit down cross-legged and listen carefully

Puppy sitting at story time, attentive
Then it was time to play. Puppy shared his blocks, even though he wanted to use them all.

Toe was dit tyd om te speel. Puppy het sy blokke gedeel, al wou hy hulle almal gebruik.

Pretend to stack blocks and then offer some to a friend

Puppy sharing blocks with classmates
Finally, the bell rang for home time. 'What a great day!' Puppy thought as he rode the bus back.

Uiteindelik lui die klok vir huistyd. 'Wat 'n wonderlike dag!' Dink hondjie terwyl hy met die bus terugry.

Smile tiredly but happily as if you're thinking back on a fun day

Puppy riding bus home, reflecting on day

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