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Leigha's Sunny Day at the Beach

Once upon a time, Leigha woke up to bright sunshine streaming through her window.

Curly hair, freckles, bright blue eyes, always smiling's bedroom, waking up, morning sunshine

Today was special. She was going to the beach with her family!

Curly hair, freckles, bright blue eyes, always smiling excited, family beach day, anticipation

After getting dressed, Leigha packed her favorite toys and a big fluffy towel.

Packing for the beach, toys, fluffy towel

Leigha's mom packed a picnic with sandwiches, apple slices, and juice boxes.

Long wavy hair, kind eyes, wears sun hat, loving preparing picnic, food items

They drove to the beach, singing songs and laughing together in the car.

Car trip, singing, family bonding

Arriving at the beach, they found the perfect spot on the soft, warm sand.

Arrival, beach spot, soft warm sand

Leigha built a big sandcastle, imagining it was a real castle with a princess inside.

Building sandcastle, imaginative play, princess

She collected shells and pebbles, each one more interesting than the last.

Collecting shells, treasure hunt

Leigha played tag with the waves, giggling as the water tickled her toes.

Playing tag, waves, giggles

At lunchtime, the family sat together on their blanket, enjoying the tasty picnic.

Picnic time, family meal, blanket

When the sun began to set, Leigha didn't want to leave, but she knew they would come back soon.

Sunset, reluctance to leave, hope to return

Tired but happy, Leigha fell asleep in the car, dreaming of her next beach adventure.

Ride home, sleepy Curly hair, freckles, bright blue eyes, always smiling, dreams of beach

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Leigha felt when she woke up and realized she was going to the beach?
  • What memories do you have of a time you shared a special day with your family?
  • Why is it important to treasure moments like Leigha's day at the beach?

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