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The Big Kick

Sam and Alex played at the park. They chased the ball and laughed.

At the park, Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling and Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly play with a ball, surrounded by green trees.

They ran and kicked. Alex fell but Sam helped him get up.

While playing, Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly falls down, and Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling quickly helps him stand again.

They sat under a tree. 'Friends help,' said Sam. 'Yes, always,' agreed Alex.

Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling and Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly sit under a tree, having a conversation about helping each other.

The sun set. They walked home, chatting about their day.

As the sun sets, Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling and Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly walk home, chatting happily.

At home, Sam called Alex. 'Thanks for today,' said Sam. 'Anytime,' replied Alex.

Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling expresses gratitude to Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly over the phone, and Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly reassures him.

They planned to play again the next day. Goodnight, friends!

Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling and Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly make plans to play again, wishing each other goodnight.

The next day, they went to the park again. Sam brought his favorite ball.

Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling and Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly head to the park, with Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling excitedly carrying his favorite ball.

They passed the ball, back and forth. 'You're great!' said Sam. 'You too!' smiled Alex.

Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling and Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly play together, giving each other compliments and smiles.

They felt happy and high-fived. 'We always have fun,' they said together.

The friends are filled with joy, giving each other a high-five and expressing their enjoyment.

The sun went down. They sat together, enjoying the cool breeze.

As the sun sets, Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling and Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly sit together, enjoying the cool evening breeze.

They chatted, sharing stories. 'You're the best friend,' said Alex. 'You too,' grinned Sam.

Brown hair, green eyes, always smiling and Blond hair, blue eyes, energetic and friendly share stories, expressing their appreciation for each other.

They both knew—it was good to have a friend by your side.

The friends share a silent understanding of the importance of friendship.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Sam help Alex when he fell?
  • Why do you think it's important to help friends?
  • What makes Sam and Alex good friends?

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