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Detective Dog and the Lost Teddy Bear

Once upon a time, there was a clever dog named Detective Dog. He had a nose that could sniff out anything!

Detective Dog with a magnifying glass, looking for clues

One day, a little girl named Emily came running to Detective Dog. She had lost her favorite teddy bear, Mr. Cuddles!

Emily sad with her arms crossed

Detective Dog put on his detective hat and started searching for clues. He sniffed all around Emily's room, but couldn't find anything.

Detective Dog sniffing the air in Emily's room

Next, Detective Dog followed Emily's footprints outside. He sniffed the ground and found a trail of teddy bear fur!

Detective Dog following footprints with a magnifying glass

Detective Dog followed the trail through the park, across a bridge, and into a dark forest.

Detective Dog walking through a park with trees

In the forest, Detective Dog heard a faint sound. He followed it and found Mr. Cuddles stuck in a big tree!

Detective Dog looking up at Mr Cuddles in a tree

Detective Dog quickly barked for help. Some kind people came and helped him rescue Mr. Cuddles.

Detective Dog barking at people for help

Emily was overjoyed to have her teddy bear back. She hugged Detective Dog tightly and thanked him for his help.

Emily hugging Detective Dog, smiling happily

Every time someone in the town lost something, they knew they could count on Detective Dog to find it. He became a hero!

Detective Dog with a cape, surrounded by happy people

And so, Detective Dog continued to solve mysteries and bring smiles to people's faces with his amazing nose.

Detective Dog with a smile, wagging his tail

Reflection Questions

  • How did Detective Dog help Emily?
  • Where did Detective Dog find Mr. Cuddles?
  • What did Detective Dog become in the end?

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