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The Secret of Mr. Shadows

In the small town of Willow Creek, a mysterious man known as Mr. Shadows moved in.

Introduction of Mysterious, long black hair, black beard, sensitive eyes, wears hat, setting in a small town

Mr. Shadows had long black hair and a thick black beard, which made the children curious.

Description of Mysterious, long black hair, black beard, sensitive eyes, wears hat, children's curiosity

He lived in an old house at the edge of town, and nobody knew where he came from.

Mysterious, long black hair, black beard, sensitive eyes, wears hat' home, mysterious past

Sarah, who lived next door, noticed Mr. Shadows always wore a wide-brimmed hat.

Sarah observes Mysterious, long black hair, black beard, sensitive eyes, wears hat, notes his hat

Sarah's friends dared her to knock on his door to unveil the mystery of his hat.

A dare to discover the mystery

Taking a deep breath, Sarah approached his house one sunny afternoon.

Sarah deciding to approach Mysterious, long black hair, black beard, sensitive eyes, wears hat' house

As she knocked, the door creaked open and there stood Mr. Shadows, smiling kindly.

Sarah knocking, Mysterious, long black hair, black beard, sensitive eyes, wears hat answering

To her surprise, he invited her in for cookies, and they chatted about his travels.

Unexpectedly friendly encounter, sharing stories

Mr. Shadows explained the hat protected him from the sun because he had sensitive eyes.

kid that looks like Christian Villers

Sarah learned that he had many adventures and the children's fear was unwarranted.

Man that looks like captain hook. He is wearing a black hat

Before she left, Mr. Shadows gave Sarah a little book of his adventures to share.

A gift of adventures, generosity shown

Sarah told her friends about the kind man, and Mr. Shadows wasn't a mystery anymore.

The resolution, new friendships formed

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think the children were curious about Mr. Shadows?
  • How did Sarah's feelings about Mr. Shadows change throughout the story?
  • What can we learn about making assumptions about someone based on their appearance?

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