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Rafael, the Brave Bunny
Rafael, chú thỏ dũng cảm
Rafael jumped and grinned as he gazed at the golden sun above.

Rafael nhảy lên và cười toe toét khi nhìn mặt trời vàng phía trên.
Black fur, 7-year-old bunny with a bright smile and clean glasses, a black fur bunny with a wide smile and clean glasses, is standing in a green meadow under a bright sun, with other animals playing in the background.
Though his friends felt afraid, Rafael had a heart filled with hope.

Mặc dù bạn bè của anh cảm thấy sợ hãi nhưng trái tim của Rafael vẫn tràn đầy hy vọng.
Black fur, 7-year-old bunny with a bright smile and clean glasses is surrounded by his friends, who are all keeping their distance from him, looking worried. Black fur, 7-year-old bunny with a bright smile and clean glasses is looking determined and hopeful, with his smile shining brightly.
One day, the town needed help, Rafael's heart full of courage, he leaped into action.

Một ngày nọ, thị trấn cần sự giúp đỡ, trái tim Rafael tràn đầy dũng khí, anh lao vào hành động.
Black fur, 7-year-old bunny with a bright smile and clean glasses is wearing a superhero cape and a mask, bravely rushing to help people in the town, with a determined and confident expression on his face.
Rafael's friends saw his bravery and soon they realized that his true strength came from within.

Bạn bè của Rafael đã nhìn thấy sự dũng cảm của anh và nhanh chóng họ nhận ra rằng sức mạnh thực sự của anh đến từ bên trong.
Black fur, 7-year-old bunny with a bright smile and clean glasses is surrounded by all his friends, who are now looking at him with admiration and respect. Black fur, 7-year-old bunny with a bright smile and clean glasses's brave heart shines through, and his friends are smiling and happy to be beside him.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Rafael show his courage and bravery?
  • Why did Rafael's friends begin to see him in a new light?
  • What did Rafael teach his friends about strength and friendship?

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