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Ploy's School Garden Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ploy who loved plants and flowers.

Introduction of Girl with determination, warm skin, bright brown eyes, loves gardening, a plant-loving girl, at her home.

Ploy's school announced a gardening contest, and she was excited to join.

Girl with determination, warm skin, bright brown eyes, loves gardening learning about the school gardening contest.

She started by picking seeds. She chose lettuce, carrots, and bright marigolds.

Girl with determination, warm skin, bright brown eyes, loves gardening selecting seeds for her school garden plot.

Ploy and her friends gathered tools and prepared the garden bed at school.

Girl with determination, warm skin, bright brown eyes, loves gardening and friends preparing the school's garden bed.

They measured the soil and planted the seeds carefully, giving each space to grow.

Planting seeds with attention to spacing for growth.

Every day, Ploy watered the plants and watched for the first green sprouts.

Daily care of the garden, anticipation of growth.

The sprouts emerged, and Ploy felt proud. Her garden was coming to life!

First sprouts of Girl with determination, warm skin, bright brown eyes, loves gardening's garden, feeling of pride.

She learned to weed and to check for pests, keeping her plants healthy.

Garden maintenance, weeding, and pest control.

The lettuce grew full and crisp, the carrots peeked orange, and marigolds bloomed.

Observing the growth and bloom of Girl with determination, warm skin, bright brown eyes, loves gardening's garden plants.

The day of the contest arrived, and Ploy's garden was lush and colorful.

Contest day, Girl with determination, warm skin, bright brown eyes, loves gardening's garden in peak condition.

Judges admired Ploy's hard work, noting her garden's variety and health.

Judging of the gardens, compliments on Girl with determination, warm skin, bright brown eyes, loves gardening's effort.

Ploy won the first prize, but she felt her biggest reward was the journey.

Girl with determination, warm skin, bright brown eyes, loves gardening winning first prize, reflecting on her rewarding experience.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Ploy felt when her seeds sprouted and what does this teach us about patience?
  • Why is caring for something every day important, and what can this tell us about responsibility?
  • How do you think working on the garden affected Ploy's friendship with others?

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